How Does a Pick and Pull Salvage Yard in Belton, TX, Operate?

If you live in Belton, TX, and need to buy discounted auto parts, a junkyard is great place to look for the components you need. However, before you go to a pick and pull salvage yard in Belton, TX, it is important to have a basic understanding of how the business operates. If this will be your first time using a pick and pull salvage yard in Belton, TX, below is a basic overview of how the business operates concerning the sale of auto components from salvage vehicles.

Inventory is Listed Online

You don’t have to travel to a junkyard to see if it has the vehicle from which you need parts. Instead, you can check the business’ inventory online. You needn’t to waste time and gas driving from junkyard to junkyard. Just check out the online inventory to find what you need.

Parts are Steeply Discounted

Junkyards routinely sell parts for 50 percent less than their original price. In many cases, the savings are even greater. Best of all, many salvage parts come from vehicles that are only a few years old, and were salvaged after being in a wreck or receiving legal status as a lemon vehicle.

Optional Warranties for Parts

For some drivers, the idea that an auto part is “used” causes worry. That is why many junkyards, including Wrench-A-Part, offer a warranty for used parts at a rate of $1 per part per day. With your used parts under warranty, you can feel more confident about their performance.

Bring Your Own Tools

One reason why junkyards offer good prices on parts is that customers are required to remove the components on their own. So, before you journey to a junkyard to get what you need, be sure to pack a toolbox that contains a wrench set, screwdrivers, and other necessary tools.

Customer Assistance is Provided

If a part is too large to remove on your own, some junkyards, including Wrench-A-Part, provide the equipment you need to remove it. We provide engine pulling A-frames to customers who need to remove an engine, and provide wheelbarrows and wagons for transporting parts.

Must Follow Safety Rules

Before you head to a junkyard, visit its website to see what safety rules you must follow when you enter the vehicle lot. Common junkyard safety rules include: wearing closed toed shoes to prevent foot injuries and not smoking in the vehicle lot to prevent fires from breaking out.

Call Us Today

Wrench-A-Part is a professionally operated pick and pull salvage lot in Belton, TX, that helps people buy auto parts that they would otherwise have difficulty affording. People also use our lot to look for salvage parts for rebuilding classic vehicles. Regardless of why you need salvage parts, Wrench-A-Part sells them at steeply discounted prices, and gives you the option of buying parts warranties. For more information about our services, call us today at (254) 831-4905.

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